Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Morning Rituals

While I was back in Tennessee, I got a lot of "How do you prepare for that" questions concerning the temperature, so I'm going to walk you through my morning rituals.
1. Alarm goes off at 8:00. Get up, set it for 8:10, go back to bed.
2. 8:10. Strongly consider whether or not people can live a day without ORE. Stroke ego. Put on sweater while I'm still under two layers of quilts. Get out of bed.
3. Eat breakfast, debate shower. High under 15: Skip it to save body heat.
4. Get dressed with pajama shirt (usually a tank top) and leggings as first layer, then a long sleeve shirt, wool socks, jeans, sweater.
5. Put on another pair of socks.
6. Add hat (lined or unlined?) and gloves (massive or manageable?)
7. Grab coat, go downstairs, put on my massive "trudging through the snow to get to my bar and take a shot of whiskey" boots.
8. Make first attempt to tie the laces. Curse gloves. Second attempt, much better.
9. Impress myself by zipping jacket with gloves on.
10. Leave the house, hoping it's not too icy.
11. Squish squish squish (walking to work).
12. Check self out in shop window. "Damn, I look like a Vermonter!"13. Loose footing while checking self out.
14. Kick City Hall pillars to get snow off boots. Kick too hard-- ouch.
15. Consider what Montpelier would look like with chickens running around town. Wonder if I really want to stay in Vermont after my service.
16. Change to inside shoes. Audra (native Vermonter) makes a comment about the weather. "It's balmy" for 18+, "Gonna need to wear that scarf over your nose" for 8-, or "You made it!" for ice.
17. Solve all problems concerning the Onion River Exchange and its members. Except the ones that I put off until tomorrow.

Transition Towns Article


"And we'll have chickens running around the town!"